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OScam CAK7 Patch aus dem familienforum


This is exactly the same topic as CAK7. I said it again, some people don't think it's that great that something about this is being done in public on the basis of. You can see Adas once again who thinks he is a “mouthpiece” for this group.
and how do you know you need regkey? this is just a stupid invention of some merchant.. everything must work without any registration key

don't cry and put your hand to work .. roasted pigeons do not fall into the mouth by themselves :D
All i know and now what you now here ?

You give nothing for free and tell People to must have a exercise :p

Thanks for nothing :)

This here is about a public Cak7 patch and not about the situation in a small group of people who are filling their pockets with their knowledge :p
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it's sunday evening.. instead of crying here on the board you could have already done the init log of your card in the original box, share your knowledge with us here and ohmza will surely be happy to add it to his patch
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I do not cry. But I'm wondering why you're active here too ;-) But well, I don't care.

Like other people, you will not give anything for free. But that's just how it is :p
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how do you know i have something?
I am writing in general and mainly about the fact that in today's consumer society, everyone just waits or writes that something is needed, but doesn't help
From where I know this ? Seriously, by your name and how you write here.

Whatever, keep doing it like a few others. Whether this is an advantage for the future, doing nothing for a community remains to be seen ;-)

And now, i Think we talk about the Public Patch of CAk7 and not the business what finances the vacation
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Danke an die Entwickler, endlich gibt es eine Unterstützung der VF D08 Karten :)
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