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ecw:dcw determination except SKY Germany cards


24. August 2020
I have 092f ,, boxid and ins7e

All is well? ecw / dcw are correct? Can I start brute force?

thank you


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Yes but - "Can" is something different than "possible". Brutforce works only with cards using DES. If your card uses 3DES brutforce will take much too much time.
Thank you . How can i check if the card is des or 3des? The card is very old- 2010
Danke . Wie kann ich überprüfen, ob die Karte des oder 3des ist? Die Karte ist sehr alt - 2010
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Ich bin mir recht sicher das es DES ist, also kein 3DES! Am besten ausprobieren, kommt kein funktionierender K1 mit Hashcat Suche auf DES raus, ist das Pärchen falsch oder es ist 3DES.
092F is at any case DES i think !
I have a workmate, he have the same card. I have high power hashcat at home, and i help some friends from this board to calculate the K1.
Hello Jagger
yes, i have 092f an i started a brute force using 6x GTX 1080 Ti. I, m at 26.6%

I. hope i, m on the right way. Yes?

dizcza / docker-hashcat
and the commnad is:
hashcat -m 14000 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE : DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD -o cracked.txt -a 3 -1 /usr/share/hashcat/charsets/DES_full.charset --hex-charset? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1? 1 -w 4 --force

How can i start a private message with you?
Thank you

Here is my card log

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dizcza / docker-hashcat has hashcat 6.1.1- the latest
this version is oke?
What hashcat vesrion are you using on your workmate pc?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hallo gallesio!
Ich berechne den K1 für dich wenn du möchtest.
I calculate your K1 if you like.
I not speak portugese...

Vorausgesetzt du hast eine DES Karte (V13), welche CAID hat deine Karte ?
Only for DES i can calculete (V13), wiite CAID from your card...
could you call me in private, as I'm new I can't

sky br caid 0907

now it is found, but the image is black, do you think it might be the k1?

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Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Just check the boot log for 3DES or DES, its the 4th Byte of the Ins7423 answer in combination with the last byte of that answer